Something that I brought back from a recent trip to Morocco. Loved the colours and detail of this hand made object. Testing with Polycam in object mode.
There is nothing more comfortable or so cool as a pair of Adidas Superstars trainer. Surprisingly we were able to just positioned the trainer on it's side for a photographic pass and the software managed to stitch it to the soul of the shoe.
There was a lot of uncertainty of over the ability of the software to map the graphic design from the original orange juice packaging onto the virtual object. Partly because of the lighting design during the scan and partly because of the software very surprised with the results.
The level of detail was a concern at the start of the scan however the final scan is quite pleasing. On rotating the vegetable to reveal the underside unfortunately the software was able to map the information as it did with the Adidas Superstar shoes. Some further experiments may be required.
One of many artefacts that we brought back from a visits to Florence, Italy. Regarded internationally as a masterpiece of neoclassical European sculpture, it depicts the three daughters of Zeus, each of whom is described as being able to bestow a particular gift on humanity.
One of the best scans that I've undertaken this far. It would appear that texture detail and colour are the things that the software likes.
A white, highly glazed porcelain bust that was Brough back from Florence, Italy in 2007. Despite rotating this piece at increments of 15cm both at the horizontal and on the vertical the software experienced some difficulty in certain area's. I believe this was because we were working with what was a predominately 'white' object. More testing required.
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